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Creation By God

Writer's picture: roncashroncash

Since the creation is so obvious, so is a creator so obvious, it is "the fool that says in their heart there is no God!" Psalm 14:1

"Suppose we went on a mission to Mars and found a domed structure in which everything was set up just right for life to exist. The temperature, for example, was set around 70o F and the humidity was at 50%; moreover, there was an oxygen recycling system, an energy gathering system, and a whole system for the production of food. Put simply, the domed structure appeared to be a fully functioning biosphere to sustain life.

What conclusion would we draw from finding this structure? Would we draw the conclusion that it just happened to form by chance? Certainly not. Instead, we would unanimously conclude that it was designed by some intelligent being. Why would we draw this conclusion? Because an intelligent designer appears to be the only plausible explanation for the existence of the structure. That is, the only alternative explanation we can think of--that the structure was formed by some natural process—appears to be impossible, let alone implausible.

The universe is analogous to such a "biosphere," according to recent findings in physics. Almost everything about the basic structure of the universe--for example, the fundamental laws and parameters of physics and the initial distribution of matter and energy--is balanced on a razor's edge for life to occur.

Of the 4 basic fundamental forces that the universe is based on, gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, none of these can be explained as having been created by natural processes. If so, the “natural processes” would themselves have to be explained as an intelligent being, there is no getting around this.

Take for instance the “strong nuclear force”, which is the force that binds together neutrons and protons in atoms, without which nothing could possibly exist.

Neutrons and protons are some of the fundamental fabric of the universe at the core level of atoms. Scientists can only explain this force, they have no proof of how this “strong nuclear force” came to be or more importantly continues to exist and continues to hold neutrons and protons in atoms together.

The kicker is, protons by default repel each other. So, think about it, at the very fabric of everything in the universe there is this strong nuclear force binding neutrons and protons together, overcoming the natural properties of protons to repel each other or else everything would simply fall apart at the core level of our atomic fabric.

Ever hear of the Atomic bomb? It is actually the disruption of the strong nuclear force just mentioned, that makes it go boom. When a single free neutron strikes the nucleus of an atom of radioactive material like uranium or plutonium, it knocks two or three more neutrons free. This is what happens when the strong nuclear force in some material is disrupted. This is why the binding of the "strong nuclear force" is so important to the existence of this universe.

In addition, calculations indicate that if the strong nuclear force, the force that binds protons and neutrons together in an atom, had been stronger or weaker by as little as 5%, the universe and life would be impossible. (Leslie, 1989, pp. 4, 35; Barrow and Tipler, p. 322.)

The Bible hints at the answer for this phenomenon, “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”, “hold together” is a generalized way of saying God created and maintains the strong nuclear force and gravity!

Then take gravity, same thing, Scientists can only explain this, they have no proof of how gravity came to be or more importantly continues to exist and continues to hold us to the earth.

Same issue with competing forces, the strong rotational spin of the earth would otherwise throw us off the earth. And again, more importantly, how is this force maintained, let alone how was it created if natural processes are all we have? And again, those “natural processes” could only be explained as an intelligent being to make all this exist and work and continue to work everyday of our lives for thousands of years.

Calculations by Brandon Carter show that if gravity had been stronger or weaker by 1 part in 10 to the 40th power, then life-sustaining stars like the sun could not exist, nor could we. This would make life impossible. (Davies, 1984, p. 242.) " Robin Collins

Ask yourself this one question, is your brain a product of intelligent design? If you don’t believe in intelligent design, then your answer has to be no! And if that’s the case, sorry about that! And maybe then, you really will not understand any of this. I think that is why the Bible says, “The fool has said in his heart there is no God” and “just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind”.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and earth” Genesis 1:1.

But, there is more to the story, a new heaven and new earth:

In the book of Revelation, Chapter 21, we read, “then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, … And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.”

“He who overcomes (in Christ) will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son.”

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” John 14:6

I invite you to come to God the Father, creator of Heaven and Earth, through faith in Christ!


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